Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How I Was Blessed By A Plant!

A few months ago, my husband made a hobby out of growing potted plants.  He loves his plants and he takes good care of them.  He even named a couple of them lol.  I think he has a "green thumb" because his plants have been flourishing.  A couple of months ago, he decided to grow a plant for me.  He ended up naming the plant "Teeter" because it was the smallest of the plants that were growing at the time.  Within a few weeks, Teeter shot up and is now the tallest of all of the plants. About  3 weeks ago, we noticed that Teeter had a bud at the tip of tallest stem.  We had no idea what would be blooming or how long it would take because they were wildflower seeds.  But we have been watching it with anticipation over the weeks.

This morning, I didn't wake up in the best mood.  I woke up feeling a little discouraged and a tad bit stressed about a couple of situations that are going on.  I didn't feel like getting up to do my daily devotional, I just wanted to lay in the bed and sleep until it was time for work.  I decided to get on up and have my devotional time.  I'm so glad I did because the lesson was right on time.  It talked about overcoming worry through praising God.  Although, I still felt a little discouraged after reading the devotional I decided that I would put into practice what I just learned.  I began to take my eyes off what was wrong and begin to focus on what was right.  I began to pray and thank God for everything that I could think of and my spirits were immediately lifted.

Before I began my devotional I got up to determine if I was going to turn the light on in the room or use the natural light.  I decided to go with natural light so I opened the curtains. We have sliding doors in our bedroom which leads to a balcony and that is where my husband keeps his plants.  I opened the curtains around 9:15 a.m. I glanced at the plants and there they were all doing fine, nothing had changed.  Teeter still had the bud.  I didn't think anything of it and went ahead with devotion.  During the time that I was praising and thanking God, I was also getting ready for work.  My mood had completed changed and I was feeling great.  My gospel music was playing and I continued to just thank God.  I came in the room and sat on the bed to put on lotion and I happened to glance over to where the plants were and to my surprise Teeter had bloomed just that fast.  I was so elated when I saw the beautiful purple flower.

As I was sitting there staring at the flower and taking pictures to send to my husband, something dropped in my spirit.  I heard the words "that's just how God works...quickly and suddenly."  I became even more excited.  When I first opened the curtain at 9:15 a.m. Teeter was still a bud and when I looked back out around 10:40 a.m. there was all of a sudden a beautiful purple flower.   I felt like God was letting me know that I don't have to worry because everything is going to be alright.  If we keep our eyes on Jesus He will SUDDENLY change our situation.  He has the power to do it.  The fact that the flower was purple was a double blessing because that it is my favorite color.  I believe God orchestrated all of the events of that morning.  I believe that since I chose to PRAISE instead of have a pity party, that he decided to bless and speak to me through a plant.

If you find yourself worrying about situations that you have no control over, give them to God and choose to PRAISE.  There is nothing too hard for God and He has the power to turn your situation around at a moments notice.  He is a God of SUDDENLY!

Then Hezekiah and all the people rejoiced over what God had prepared for the people, because the thing came about suddenly. II Chronicles 2:29.

With Gallons of Love,



  1. I tell Laisiah that all the time! How life can change suddenly towards greatness! I always use the weather as an example. Georgia's weather during certain seasons is cold and gloomy with an overcast for a couple of days straight. Or it might rain for 3-4 days at a time. One day, you can wake up and all hell has broke loose...then suddenly you look up and the sun is shining like it wasn't just raining cats, dogs, chickens, and ducks! I tell her life is like the weather...it may seem like the worst day ever and then SUDDENLY the SON shines!

  2. Wow I was so blessed by this. I am motivated to praise, instead of complaining all the time. A wise woman once told me "if you complain you will remain, if you praise you will be

    1. Raised! Amen friend!! I'm glad you were blessed by the article.

  3. That was a great testimony! A beautiful message to take with me.

    1. I am so glad that you were blessed...thank you so much for reading!

  4. This is my life right now. I feel like I've been a bud for soooo long. And I'm ready to bloom. But, your story reminds me that if we stay focused on Go r and stop worrying about our situation. He will mature everything in his time. T Thank you for this. It is truly a blessing

