Carve out time in your day for just you and God, away from any and all distractions. Allow the Lord to lead you in what He wants you to do during your quiet time. I ask God what He wants me to do and I do whatever I feel like I'm being led to do. My quiet time now differs from day to day. I don't have a set amount of time and I don't have a step by step guide that I follow. I just allow the time to be led by the Holy Spirit. One day I may be led to listen to a sermon, the next day I may be led to put on some worship music and write a gratitude prayer, the day after that I may be led to blog, and the day after that I may be led to study a particular verse. I've learned to just follow the Holy Spirit's leading and I get so much more out of my quiet time with God.
My advice to anyone who may struggle with their quiet time routine is to just be led by God. God will meet you wherever you are. He just wants time with you. So don't get caught up on all of the specifics and particulars. Just show up with an open heart and He will surely guide you.
With Gallons of Love,
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